Home > Product Catalog > OSHA Safety Violations Test - Form A (Online)
This test is designed to test knowledge of safety specifically related to OSHA safety and violations of OSHA safety.
When you purchase this product, you purchase online test administration credits. These test credits, once purchased, are placed in your online account and do not expire. Each credit can then be assigned to a test-taker for administration of this test via an internet-connected computer.
All tests administered on the Online Testing System are required to be proctored by a representative or third-party agent of the company.
What is the proper fastener to use to join two wires?
A. A wire nut
B. Cellophane tape
C. A spring clip
D. Staples
Categories tested include:
Scaffolding |
Fall Protection |
Hazard Communication |
Lockout/Tagout |
Machine Guarding |
Power Press |
Mechanical Power |
Electrical |
Excavation |
Machine Guarding (Abrasive Wheels) |
Sample Size | Mean Score | Reliability (KR20) | Std. Deviation | Std. Error of Measurement |
Version | Format | Language | SKU |
OSHA Safety Violations Test - Form A | Paper Test | English | RR96 |